Course Study Path

This is the course history during my undergraduate and postgraduate study in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Remark: Courses are listed in the format of Course Code + Number of Credits + Course Name

UG Year 1

16 + 20 + 6 = 42 Credits


COMP1022P   3   Introduction to Computing with Java
MATH1013    3   Calculus I B
CHEM1004    3   Chemistry in Everyday Life
ELEC1100    4   Introduction to Electro-Robot Design
LANG1002S   3   English for University Studies I


COMP2011    4   Programming with C++
COMP2711    4   Discrete Mathematical Tools
MATH1014    3   Calculus II
PHYS1112    3   General Physics I with Calculus
SOSC1780    3   Population and Development in China
LANG1003S   3   English for University Studies II


MATH2411    4   Applied Statistics
COMP1029P   1   Python Programming Bridge Course
UROP1100    1   Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series I - I

UG Year 2

20 + 21 + 7 = 48 Credits


COMP2012    4   OOP and Data Structures
MATH2023    4   Multivariable Calculus
MATH2033    4   Mathematical Analysis
MATH2121    4   Linear Algebra
PHYS1003    3   Energy and Related Environmental Issues
UROP2100    1   Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series I - II


COMP2611    4   Computer Organizations
COMP3311    3   Database Management Systems
COMP3711    3   Design and Analysis of Algorithms
MATH2421    4   Probability
MATH3033    4   Real Analysis
LANG2030    3   Technical Communication I


MATH2352    4   Differential Equations
SOSC1980    3   Discovering Mind and Behaviors
UROP1000    0   Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series II

UG Year 3

16 + 12 + 2 = 30 Credits


COMP3111    4   Software Engineering
COMP3511    3   Operating Systems
COMP4021    3   Internet Computing
COMP4471    3   Deep Learning in Computer Vision
COMP4901K   3   Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing


MATH3423    3   Statistical Inference
MATH3425    3   Stochastic Modelling
MATH4052    3   Partial Differential Equations
MATH4321    3   Game Theory


COMP4981H   1   Final Year Thesis
UROP1100    1   Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series III

UG Year 4

14 + 12 = 26 Credits


COMP4211    3   Machine Learning
COMP4651    3   Cloud Computing and Big Data Systems
COMP4981H   2   Final Year Thesis
HUMA1000B   3   Cultures and Values: Righteousness, Destiny and Well-being
LANG4030    3   Technical Communication II for CSE, CPEG & DSCT


COMP4332    3   Big Data Mining and Management
COMP4981H   3   Final Year Thesis
HUMA1660    3   Introduction to Chinese Art
HUMA2101    3   Enjoyment of Western Opera

PhD Year 1

8 + 8 = 16 Credits


COMP3711    3   Design and Analysis of Algorithms
COMP5212    3   Machine Learning
COMP6911    0   Computer Science and Engineering Seminar I
ENGG6780    1   Career Development for Engineering Research Students
PDEV6770B   1   Professional Development for Research Postgraduate Students
PDEV6800Z   0   Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


COMP5631    3   Cryptography and Security
COMP6912    1   Computer Science and Engineering Seminar II
ELEC6910Y   3   Topics in Deep NLP
LANG5001    1   Postgraduate English for Engineering Research Studies
PDEV6800B   0   Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

PhD Year 2

6 + 6 = 12 Credits


COMP3721    3   Theory of Computation
COMP5222    3   Advanced Machine Learning with Graphs
PDEV6800B   0   Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


COMP5311    3   Database Architecture and Implementation
COMP5421    3   Computer Vision
PDEV6800B   0   Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education